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Product Name

Levamisole Hydrochloride, Copper, Zinc & Cobalt oral powder

Levamisole Hydrochloride IP –15 % w/w equivalent to Levamisole12.7% w/w; anhydrous copper sulphate BP equivalent to copper –0.16% w/w; zinc sulphate mono hydrate USP equivalent to elemental zinc 0.05% w/w; cobalt sulphate equivalent to cobalt.

Control and treatment of gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes.

Sheep & Goat: Dissolve 2 g in 60 ml of drinking water and administer per sheep or goat as a drench.

Lamb & Kid: Dissolve 0.5 g to 1 g of powder in 30 ml – 60 ml of drinking water and administer per lamb or kid as a drench.

Cattle: Dissolve 15 g in 450 ml of drinking water for 300 kg of body weight.

Poultry: Dissolve 30 g of powder in 4 liters of drinking water for every 100 layers or 150 growers.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 30° C. Protect from direct light.

Meat for sheep, goat: 3 days for poultry: 7 days after last administration

Milk: 24 hours after last administration

100 g/500 g


Product Name

Oxyclozanide & Albendazole Oral Suspension

Oxyclozanide IP – 2.5 % w/v

Albendazole IP – 2.5% w/v

Treatment and control of adult and control of adult and larval stages of  gastrointestinal due to round worms, lung worms, tape worms, amphistomes and liver flukes.

1 ml per 3 kg body weight

Keep in a cool, dry place. Protect from light.

Shake well before use

Milk: 3-5 days; Meat: 14 days

500 ml


Product Name

Oxyclozanide & Levamisole Hydrochloride Oral suspension

Each 5 ml contains: Oxyclozanide IP – 150 mg Levamisole Hydrochloride IP – 75 mg

Prophylaxis and treatment of gastrointestinal and lungworm infections in cattle and Calves. 

Sheep and goats like Trichostrongylus, cooperia, ostertagia, Haemochus, Namatoidirus, chabertia, Bunostomum, Dictyocaulus and Fasciola (liver fluke) spp.

For oral administration cattle, calves – 0.33 ml per kg body weight.  Sheep and goats – 10 ml per 30 kg body weight.

500 ml

Clomec- Xtra

Product Name

Closantel & Ivermectin Oral solution

Closantel – 150 mg; Ivermectin Ip – 3 mg

Clomec Xtra is used in treatment and control of fasciola species, GI, Nematodes, pulmonary nematodes and other endoparasites and ectoparasites in sheep, goat, and cattle.

Sheep, goat & cattle: 3 ml/30 kg body weight or as directed by the veterinarian.

Store in a cool dry place, protected from sunlight.

Keep out of reach of children

Milk: 7 days;

Meat: 28 days

100 ml /250 ml/ 500 ml


Product Name

Closantel 5 % w/v Oral Solution

Each ml contains: Closantel – 50 mg Colour: Ponceau 4R

Ecto & Endo Parasites, liver flukes, amphistomes, nasal bots, GI  Nematodes, Lungworms, ticks, lice, and tapeworms

Cattle, sheep: 

For Fasciola Species: 7.5 ml/25 kg body weight

For other endoparasites: 7.5 ml/50 kg of body weight

Cattle, Sheep and Dog:

For Ectoparasites: 19.5 ml/50 kg of body weight or as directed by the veterinary practitioner.

Store in a cool dry place.

Keep out of reach of children

Milk: 7 days; Meat: 28 days

500 ml


Product Name

Rafoxanide & Levamisole Hydrochloride Oral Suspension

Rafoxanide IP – 1.5 %w/v; Levamisole Hydrochloride IP 1.5% w/v

D-Wornil is a broad spectrum dewormer used in the treatment &control of mixed worm infections, against mature, immature blood sucking nematodes adult & young liver flukes.

D-Wornil should be administered at the rate of 1 ml/4kg body weight orally

Store in a cool, dry place.

Dairy cow should be dosed during the drying period prior to calving. Protect from direct sunlight.

Shake well before use.

1 Liter


Product Name

Niclosamide & Fenbendazole Oral suspension

Each 5ml contains: Niclosamide IP – 500mg; Fenbendazole IP – 150mg

Mature & immature Amphistomes, liver flukes. Adult tapeworms, round worms and lungworms of livestock and poultry

Sheep and goat: 10 ml/15 kg of body weight

Cattle & buffaloes: 1 ml/1.5 kg body weight

Poultry: 1 ml/1.5 kg of body weight

Keep in a cool place; Protect from heat and direct light.

Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 28days of treatment Milk for human consumption may be drawn only after 72 hours from the last deworming.

Shake well before use.

Milk: 3 days; Meat: 14 days

100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr


Product Name

Fenbendazole 2.5% w/v Oral suspension

Each ml contains: Fenbendazole   IP – 25 mg

For treatment and prevention of infestations with helminthes susceptible to Bendal in sheep, goat, and cattle.

For roundworms/tapeworms in cattle, buffalo, horse, pig, sheep &goat: 5 mg/kg body weight

For flukes in sheep & goat: 7.5 mg/kg body weight 

For cattle & buffalo: 10 mg/kg body weight

Store in a cool & dry place

Shake well before use

1 liter


Product Name

Piperazine citrate and Levamisole Hydrochloride Oral Suspension

Piperazine citrate IP equivalent to Piperazine Hexahydrate – 22.5%w/v

Levamisole Hydrochloride IP -0.75%w/v

To squeeze out round worms from livestock and poultry to stimulate immune system and to improve body constitution.

As directed by the veterinarian

Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light

20 ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml


Product Name

Niclosamide and Levamisole Hydrochloride Oral Suspension

Each 5 ml contains: Niclosamide IP 500 mg; Levamisole Hydrochloride 

IP – 75 mg

Mature and immature Amphistomes liver flukes, adult tapeworms, round worms, lung worms of livestock and poultry.   

Sheep & Goat: 10 ml per 15 kg body weight; Cattle &Buffaloes: 10 ml per 15 kg body weight; Poultry: 1 ml per 1.5 Kg body weight.

Store in a cool and dark place

Protect from light and heat; Keep away from light and heat; Keep out of reach of children. Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 28 days of treatment; milk for human consumption may be drawn only after 72 hours from the last deworming.

100 ml/500 ml & 1 liter.


Product Name

Niclosamide & Albendazole Oral Suspension

Each 5 ml contains: Niclosamide IP – 500 mg; Albendazole IP – 150 mg

Mature & immature amphistomes, liver flukes, adult tapeworms, round worms & lung worms of livestock and poultry.

Sheep & goat – 10 ml/15 kg body weight; cattle & buffaloes – 1 ml/1.5 kg body weight; poultry – 1 ml/1.5 kg body weight.

 Keep in a cool place.

Shake well before use; Protect from heat and direct light; Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 28 days of treatment, milk for human consumption may be drawn only after 72 hours from the last de worming.

100 ml/500 ml & 1 liter

Biozan-L DS

Product Name

Oxyclonazide & Levamisole Hydrochloride Oral Suspension

Each 5 ml contains: Oxyclonazide IP 300 mg; Levamisole Hydrochloride 

IP 150 mg

Prophylaxis and treatment of gastrointestinal and lungworm infections in cattle, calves, sheep, and goats like: Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, ostertagia, Haemochus, Namatoidirus, Chabertia, Bunostomum, Dictyocaulus and Fasciola (Liver fluke) spp.

For oral administration; Cattle & Calves – 2.5 ml per 10 kg body weight.

Sheep and Goat – 1 ml per 4 kg body weight

 Keep in a cool place.

Shake well before use; Protect from heat and direct light; Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 28 days of treatment, milk for human consumption may be drawn only after 72 hours from the last de worming.

100 ml/500ml & 1 liter

Clomec Duo

Product Name

Closantel 5% & Ivermectin 0.2% w/v Oral Solution

Each ml contains

Closantel – 50 mg

Ivermectin Ip – 2 mg

color: Ponceau 4R

CLOMEC DUO is used in treatment and control of fasciola species, GI Nematodes, pulmonary Nematodes & also other endoparasites & ectoparasites in sheep, goat & cattle.

Sheep, Goat & Cattle – 3 ml/10 kg of body weight or as directed by the Veterinarian

Store in a cool dry place

  • Protect from Sunlight
  • Keep out of reach of children

100 ml/250 ml/500 ml

Dewornil – DS

Product Name

Rafoxanide & Levamisole HCl Suspension

Rafoxanide Ip –3% w/v.

Levamisole Hydrochloride IP – 3% w/v 

Dewornil DS is a broad spectrum dewormer used in the treatment and control of mixed worm infestations, against mature, immature blood sucking nematodes adult and young liver flukes.

Should be administered at the rate of 1ml/4kg body weight orally.

Dairy cow should only be dosed during the drying period prior 

to calving.

 Store in a cool, dry place, Protect from direct sunlight.

Shake well before use

 1 liter, 500 ml


Product Name

Triclabendazole & Ivermectin Oral suspension

Triclabendazole 5.0 %w/v, Ivermectin IP – 0.1%w/v

For the treatment of early immature, immature and mature liver fluke (Fasciola Hepatica) in sheep. Also, for the treatment and control of Ivermectin sensitive strains of round worms and lungworms, nasal Bot and itch mite in sheep.

6 ml per 30 kg body weight or as directed by veterinarian.

Store is a cool, dry place.

Protect from direct sunlight; Shake well before use

100ml /250ml / 500 ml / 1 lt 


Product Name

Triclabendazole & Levamisole Hydrochloride Oral Suspension

Each ml contains 

Triclabendazole 50 mg. 

Levamisole Hydrochloride IP 37.5 mg

For the treatment and control of mature and immature forms of Nematodes in sheep and goat (Haemonchus, Cooperia, Nematodirus), mature & immature form of Pulmonary worms (different species of dectyocaulos), mature & immature form of Gastrointestinal trematodes (Fasciola)

1 ml/5 kg body weight

 Store in a cool dry place.

Protect from Sunlight

Shake well before use.

500ml, 1litre


Product Name

Rafoxanide & Ivermectin Oral Suspension

Rafozanide IP – 3.0 % w/v

Ivermectin IP – 0.1% w/v

Active against mature & immature fasciola, Haemonchus, Bonostomus, Nasalbots, Flymaggots, Gastrointestinal Nematodes, lungworms, eye worms, skinworms, ostertagia, oestrus ovis, heat worm & strongylus.

1 ml/4 kg body weight or as directed by the veterinarian

Store in a cool dry place.

Protect from direct sunlight; shake well before use.

Milk – 7 days; Meat – 28 days.

100 ml/ 500 ml and 1 liter


Product Name

Morantel citrate 3 % w/v oral solution


Each ml contains Morantel citrate – 30 mg

Removal and control of immature and adult gastrointestinal roundworms in cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goat, horses, pig and camels. It is highly effective against the following gastrointestinal roundworms.

Cattle and Buffaloes: 

Haemonchus placel, Ostertagia Ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Cooperia pectinata, Cooperia Punctata Oesophagostomum Radiatum, Toxocara Vitulorum

Sheep and goats:

Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia Ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Nematodirus spp, Galgeria Pachyseelis Chabertia Ovina, Cooperia Ovina, Oesophagostomum columbiamum

Sheep, goat, and other animals 4 ml per 20 kg body weight

Store in a cool and dark place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Since Morantel – D is photoisomeric, the solution should not expose to sunlight, better deworm in the early hours, well before the sun rise or under thick shade.

500 ml


Product Name

Niclosamide and Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension

Each 5 ml contains

Niclosamide IP – 750 mg; Oxyclozanide IP – 150 mg

For the control and treatment of tape worms, round worms, and Liver Fluke infections in cattle, sheep, and goat.  

Sheep & Goat- 10 ml/30 Kg of body weight

Cattle – 100 ml/300 Kg of body weight

Store in a cool place

  • Shake well before use
  • Protect from direct SUN LIGHT
  • Keep out of reach of children

100 ml, 500 ml & 1 liter


Product Name

Nitroxynil 4 % w/v oral solution

Each ml contains: Nitroxynil BP 40 mg

Nitroxil- G is very effective for treatment of fasciolasis (mature and immature Fasciola Hepetica) in cattle, sheep, and goats. Nitroxynil is also very effective against Haemonohus controtus (adult and larval infections with sheep and goats), Bunostomum phlebotomum, Haemonchus plucer and oesophagostomum radiatum in cattle.

Cattle, sheep & goat: 1 ml per 4 kg of body weight.

Store in a cool, dry & dark place; Keep away from sunlight

Keep medicine away from children.

 250ml/500 ml & 1 liter


Product Name

Praziquantel Oral Suspension

Each ml contains:

Praziquantel IP –25 mg

Effective against all stages of development of tapeworms against mature, immature blood sucking nematodes.

3.75 mg to 5 mg per kg body weight; 6 ml per 30 kg body weight.

Store in a cool place

Shake well before use.

100ml/ 250 ml / 500ml/1ltr


Product Name

Ivermectin 0.1% w/v solution

Ivermectin IP –0.1%w/v

Gastroinstinal nematodes, pulmonary Nematodes, Ostergis oestrous, ovis, lungworm, eyeworm, skinworm. Horse: Large strongyles: Strongylus vulgaris, Cyathostomum spp, pinworms, ascarids, hairworms, bots, summer sores, dermatitis Microfilariae.

2ml/10 kg of body weight

Store in a cool dry place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Shake well before use.

Milk-7 days; Meat-28 days

1 lt, 500 ml and 100 ml


Product Name

Closantel 15 % w/v Oral solution

Each ml contains Closantel – 150 mg

Ecto & Endo Parasites, liver flukes, amphistomes, nasal bots, GI Nematodes, Lungworms, ticks, lice, and tapeworms

Cattle sheep: For Fasciola species – 2.5 ml/25 kg body weight,for other endoparasites – 2.5 ml/ 50 kg body weight. 

Sheep & Dog- For Ectoparasites 6.5 ml/50 kg body weight or as directed by the Veterinary Practitioner only.

Store in a cool dry place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Milk – 7 days; Meat – 28 days

30 ml/100 ml/ 250 ml /500 ml

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