Home / Feed Supplement


Product Name

Liquid feed supplement with Iron, calcium, B-Complex, liver extract

Each 30 ml contains:

Ferrous Gluconate – 200 mg

Ferrous chloride – 80 mg

Thiamine Hydrochloride – 5 mg

Riboflavin- 5 mg

Nicotinic Acid – 20 mg

Calcium lactate – 300 mg

Liver fraction 2 – 150 mg

(derived from 3.75 g of fresh liver) in flavored syrup base.

Color: Caramel IP

Stimulates liver function Corrects nonspecific anorexia Treats degenerative liver diseases (Jaundice, Hepatitis, fatty liver, hepato-toxic conditions, cirrhosis) Aflatoxicoses, Toxanemia, Anaemia Protects liver from cumulative and acute poisoning

Cattle, Horse, and Camel: 50 ml twice daily

Calf, Sheep &Goat: 25 ml twice daily

Keep in a cool place, Protect from direct sunlight.

Shake the bottle before use.

1 lit/500 ml/5ltr

Bioferol Plus

Product Name


Each 30 ml contains:

Ferrous Gluconate – 200 mg

Ferrous chloride – 80 mg

Thiamine Hydrochloride – 5 mg

Riboflavin – 5 mg

Nicotinic acid – 20 mg

Nicotinamide – 45 mg

Calcium lactate – 300 mg

Liver function (derived from 3.75 g of liver) – 150 mg

Protein – 150 mg

Choline chloride – 600 mg

Yeast extract – 150 mg

Vitamin B12 – 20 mcg

Stimulates liver function Corrects nonspecific anorexia. Treats degenerative liver diseases (jaundice, hepatitis, fatty liver, hepato-toxic conditions, cirrhosis Aflatoxicoses, Toxanemia, Anaemiav protects liver from cumulative and acute poisoning.

Cattle, Horse and camel: 50 ml twice daily

Calf, sheep, and goat: 25 ml twice daily

Dogs and cats: 10 ml twice daily

Keep in a cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

5 liters


Product Name


Each 30 ml contains:

Choline chloride – 2000 mg

Liver extract – 300 mg

L-Lysine HCl – 200 mg

DL- Methionine – 200 mg

Biotin – 50 mcg

Inositol –35 mg

D – Panthenol – 4 mg

Niacinamide – 80 mg

Ferric chloride –150 mg

Vitamin B1 –10 mg

Vitamin B12 – 8 mcg

Recommended to use after deworming.

Stimulates liver function.

Corrects nonspecific anorexia.

Treats degenerative liver diseases like Jaundice, Hepatitis, Fatty liver, cirrhosis etc.,

Protects liver from cumulative and acute poisoning.

Acts as anti-stress formula

Increases feed convertion ratio.

Cattle, Horse, and camel – 30-50 ml/animal/day

Calf, Sheep, Goat and Pigs – 10-15 ml/animal/day

Dogs and cats – 5-10 ml/animal/day

Poultry: Layers: 20-30 ml per 100 birds/day

Broilers: 15-20 ml per 100 birds/day

500 ml/ 1ltr/ 5ltr


Product Name

Liquid Feed supplement providing Vitamin A, D3, E, C, B12, H and Selenium for livestock and poultry

Each 10 ml contains:

Vitamin A – 125000 IU

Vitamin D3 – 60000 IU

Vitamin E – 125 mg

Vitamin C – 10 mg

Elemental Selenium – 1 mg

Vitamin B12 – 200 mcg

Vitamin H (Biotin) – 1250 mcg

Zinc – 180 mg

Cobalt – 1 mg

To improve growth, production, fertility, and hatchability in poultry

To enhance immune response and increase body resistance.

To provide strength during stress associated with transportation, vaccination, heat, deworming, anti-biotic therapy, parasitic and infectious diseases.

To maintain calcium and phosphorus metabolism and improve bone and eggshell quality.

Cattle/ buffalo – 10 ml daily

Calf, sheep & goat – 5 ml daily

Chick -5 ml/100 birds daily

Growers – 7 ml/100 birds daily

Layers – 10 ml/100 birds daily

Store in a cool and dry place

100 ml/250ml/500 ml/1ltr/5ltr


Product Name

Malt – based complete balanced vitamins, Iron, Copper, and calcium.

supplement for animals.

Each 21 gm contains:

Malt extract – 4.52 g

Calcium gluconate – 360 mg

Ferric ammonium citrate – 300 mg (equivalent to 21.5 mg of Fe)

Niacinamide – 45 mg

Copper sulphate – 100 mg

Cobalt chloride – 1.5 mg

Folic acid – 1.5 mg

Biotin – 75 mcg

Vitamin B12 – 15 mcg

Vitamin D3 – 3600 IU

Flavored base – qs

Color: caramel

Appropriate overages of vitamin added to compensate loss on storage.

Poultry: Layers & Broilers: 20 g/100 birds daily

Cattle, Buffaloes, and Horses: 30-50 g daily

Calves, Sheep, and goats: 10-50 g daily

Store in a cool and dark place.

Keep the bottle from heat and sunlight.

5 kg/ 2.5 kg/1 kg/ 500 g


Product Name

A well balanced nutritional feed supplement of concentrated Amino acids and Multi vitamins

Each 10 ml contains:

Vitamin A – 5000 IU

Vitamin D3 – 1000 IU

Vitamin E – 15 mg

Vitamin C – 25 mg

L-Lysine –175 mg

DL –Methionine – 150 mg

Choline chloride – 400 mg

Vitamin B1 –1.86 mg

Vitamin B2 –1.25 mg

Vitamin B6 –0.62 mg

Vitamin B12 – 6.25 mcg

Niacinamide – 30 mg

D-panthenol – 1.26 mg

Inositol – 10 mg

Biotin – 50 mcg

Proper digestion and improves metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fat.

Supportive therapy for all bacteria, viral, protozoal, and fungal diseases.

Improves feed conversion and enhance resistance to disease.


Sheep, goat & calves – 5-10 ml per day for 5 days

Cattle & buffaloes – 50 -100 ml per day for 5 days


Chicks – 10-15 ml/100 birds for 7 days

Growers – 15-25 ml/100 birds for 7 days

Layers & Broilers – 25-30 ml/100 birds for 7 days

Store in a cool and dry place. Protect from direct sunlight.

5000 ml/1 liter/500 ml


Product Name

A potent Nutritional feed supplement with multi vitamins, Minerals and Amino acids

Each 10 ml contains:

Vitamin A – 5000 IU

Vitamin D3 – 1000 IU

Vitamin E –15 mg

Vitamin B1 – 1.86 mg

Vitamin B2 – 1.25 mg

Vitamin B6 –0.64 mg

Vitamin B12 – 7 mcg

Niacinamide – 30 mg

D- Panthenol – 1.26 mg

Inositol – 10 mg

Biotin 50 mcg

L-Lysine HCl – 175 mg

DL – Methionine – 150 mg

Glycine – 50 mg

Ferrous Gluconate – 50 mg

Potassium iodide – 200 mcg

Calcium Hypophosphate – 164 mg

Magnesium gluconate – 20 mg

Zinc gluconate – 20 mg

Calcium lactate – 300 mg

It is a nutritional supplement that helps compensate the nutritional 

Deficiency by supplying vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids.

Proper digestion and improves metabolism of carbohydrates, protein

and fat. Supportive therapy for all bacteria, viral, protozoal, and fungal diseases. Improves feed conversion and enhance resistance to diseases.

Livestock: Sheep, goat & calves – 5 – 10 ml per day for 5 days

Cattle & Buffaloes – 50-100 ml per day for 5 days

Poultry: chicks – 10-15 ml/ 100 birds for 7 days

Growers: 15-25 ml /100 birds for 7 days

Layers & Broilers: 25 -30 ml/100 birds for 7 days

5000 ml/1000 ml and 500 ml


Product Name

Nutritional feed supplement of vitamins and Minerals

Each 10 ml contains:

Vitamin A – 120000 IU

Vitamin D3 – 60000 IU

Vitamin E – 15 mg

Vitamin H – 5000 mcg

Zinc – 180 mg

Cobalt – 1 mg

Selenium – 1 mg

Vitamin C – 10 mg

Sorbitol base – qs

Color: Ponceau 4 R

A balanced anti stress, antioxidant feed supplement

Improves reproductive performance.

Assures calcium & Phosphorus utilization.

Improves milk production.

Cattle & Buffalo – 20 ml daily

Sheep & goat – 5 ml daily

Keep in a cool place.

Protect from direct sunlight.

1 ltr /500 ml and 100 ml

Protecton Vet

Product Name

Protects with Protein, vitamin, and Amino Acids

Each 10 ml contains:

Protein Hydrolysate – 400 mg

L- Lysine HCl – 30 mg

Glycine – 20 mg

Inositol – 10 mcg

Choline Chloride – 100 mg

Vitamin B1 – 4 mg

Vitamin B2 – 3 mg

Vitamin B6 – 3 mg

Vitamin B12 – 30 mcg

Niacinamide – 40 mg

D-Panthenol – 3 mg

Selenium – 50 mcg

Biotin – 50 mcg

Prevention or treatment of vitamins and Amino acid deficiencies. 

Prevention or treatment of stress (caused by vaccination, transport high humidities, high temperatures.

Improves feed conversion.

Improves growth and body weight.

100 chicks – 10 ml, 100 growers – 20 ml, 100 layers – 20 ml, 

100 broilers – 30 ml, 

Calves: 5 mg/day

Lambs: 5 ml/day

Sheep/Goat: 10 ml/day

Cattle/Horse: 50 ml/day

Store in a cool & dry place; protected from direct sunlight.

5000 ml/ 1000 ml/500ml and 250 ml


Product Name

A unique combination of vitamins, antioxidants, and Hepatic Stimulants.

Each 10 ml contains:

Tricholine citrate – 100 mg

Protein Hydrolysate – 50 mg

Vitamin B1 – 3 mg

Vitamin B2 – 1 mg

Vitamin B12 – 8 mcg

Niacinamide – 30 mg

D-panthenol – 2 mg

Inositol –14 mg

Choline Chloride – 1000 mg

Liver extract – 100 mg

Yeast extract –20 mg

Biotin – 50mcg

Vitamin E – 10 mg

Selenium – 10 mcg

Perfect combination of metabolic stimulants, antioxidants, vitamins, 

detoxifiers and highly effective hepatic stimulant.

Recommended to use after deworming.

Stimulates liver function.

Useful in hepatic damage due to fungal and other hepatoxic

Mobilizes fat from liver and protects liver for fatty changes &cirrhosis.

Increases feed conversion ratio.

Cattle/Horse and Camel: 30-50 ml/animal/day

Calf, Sheep, Goat, and Pigs: 10-15 ml/animal/day

Dogs and Cats: 5-10 ml/animal/day

Store in a cool & dry place; protected from direct sunlight.

5 liters/1 liters/500 ml

Welcal Plus

Product Name

Liquid Feed supplement of Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, E, D3, B12 & Minerals

Nutritional value per 100 ml

Calcium – 4000 mg

Phosphorus – 2000 mg

Vitamin D3—15000 IU

Vitamin B12 –200 mcg

Magnesium – 100 mg

Vitamin A –16000 IU

Vitamin E –20 mg

Chromium – 8 mg

Iodine – 5.9 mg

Potassium – 1.8 mg

Carbohydrates – 28000 mg

  • Improves milk production
  • Ensures better structural growth.
  • Prevents hypocalcimia and milk fever to replenish calcium and Phosphorus passed out through milk.

Cattle & buffaloes / Horses: 100 ml/day/10 days in a month

Calves: 40 ml/day/10 days in a month

Dogs: 5 ml/day

Sheep & Goat: 10 ml/day/7 days in a month (or)

As directed by a veterinarian.

Keep in a cool place, Protect from direct sunlight.

5 litres/1 litre


Product Name

Liquid feed supplement of calcium, Phosphorus, D3, B12 & Magnesium

Each 100 ml contains:

Calcium – 2000mg

Phosphorus – 1000 mg

Vitamin D3 – 8000 IU

Vitamin B12 – 100 mcg

Magnesium – 100 mg

Carbohydrates – 20000 mg

Improves milk production, ensures better structural growth, prevents 

Hypocalcemia and milk fever. To replenish Calcium and Phosphorus passed out through milk.

Cattle: 100 ml/day/10days in a month

Calves: 40 ml/day/10 days in a month

Sheep & Goat: 25-30 ml per day for 10 days/month or as directed by a veterinarian.

Keep it in a cool place, protected from direct light.

500 ml/1 ltr /5 ltr


Product Name


Each 10 ml contains:

Tricholine citrate – 1500 mg

Protein Hydrolysate – 100 mg

DL –Methionine – 60 mg

Inositol – 10 mg

Vitamin E – 20 mg

Vitamin B12 – 10 mcg

Biotin – 6 mcg

Iron as Ferric Ammonium citrate –15 mg

Copper as Copper Sulphate – 10 mg

Cobalt as Cobalt Chloreide – 5 mg

Selenium as Sodium Selenite – 7 mcg

Malt extract –58.33 mg

Fortified with Silymarin and Tephrosia purpurea

Perfect combination of metabolic stimulants, antioxidants, vitamins, 

detoxifiers and highly effective hepatic stimulant.

Recommended to use after deworming.

Stimulates liver function.

Useful in hepatic damage due to fungal and other hepatoxins.

Mobilizes fat from liver and protects liver from fatty changes & Cirrhosis.

Act as an anti-stress formula.

Increases feed conversion ratio.

Sheep & Goat: 20 – 30 ml

Poultry: 10-20 ml/100 birds for 3-5 days

Store in a cool and dry place.

500 ml/1 lt/5 liters.

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